Monday, November 18, 2013

Discerning Wordliness

“Lord, give me the discernment to recognize the subtle conspiracies of worldliness that lead us to negotiate our values and our faith.”
-- Pope Francis

Monday, November 11, 2013

Excerpt from "Praying Drunk" by Andrew Hudgins

Praying Drunk by Andrew Hudgins : The Poetry Foundation

I’m sorry for the times I’ve driven
home past a black, enormous, twilight ridge.
Crested with mist, it looked like a giant wave
about to break and sweep across the valley,
and in my loneliness and fear I’ve thought,
O let it come and wash the whole world clean.
Forgive me. This is my favorite sin: despair—
whose love I celebrate with wine and prayer.


Was that the purplest prose you ever did hear in that opening post or what? You can thank deciding to start this blog in the middle of the night and in the middle of a depressive funk for that one. Still, I believe it's true, no matter how badly it's written. When the light of the Divine pierces the soul, something inside opens up.

I'm a woman who was claimed by Christ a long time ago, ran away from him for years, came back, ran, and did it over and over. I think I'm finally ready to surrender now.

This blog is a record of my coming to terms with Christ and Christianity. I am not a conventional Christian by any means, though I am pretty traditional in a lot of ways. If you're looking for conservative Christianity, this is probably not the place for you, though who can say what will happen as I open my heart even further to the light of Christ?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Holy Heartsong

The heart sings when it finds the truth and when the midnight sun, the light in the darkness, cuts through the shadows to find it. Inside, a rose blooms and opens under the nourishing sunshine of the holy light.